Previously, I showed how Genesis 1.1 is watermarked with images showing foreknowledge of a relatively new mathematical procedure for creating fractal snowflakes, two of which depict the Word of God. This authenticates the Bible’s claim in John 1.1 that the universe was the work of the Logos. In this post I will show that the transcendent source and supreme import of these verses, and by extension the entirely of God’s word, are validated by the presence in these verses of two very-well-known transcendental numbers. As with fractal geometry, one of the numbers was unknown to man at the time it was inserted.
The two numbers are pi and e, by far the two most important, fascinating and useful of the transcendental numbers and the only ones of which most people are even aware.
Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle. It is the most famous transcendental number of all, found in many fundamental physical formulae and so pointing to the mechanics of Creation.
Euler’s number, e, is the basis of exponential growth and decay. It is found everywhere in nature, from the cooling of water to the growth of lilies in a pond, and so it too points to Creation.
The Hebrew and Greek alphabetic numeration systems that reveal these mathematical absolutes are shown below, along with the two verses and the simple formula used in each case, so anyone with a calculator can verify this frozen miracle for themselves.
The Substitution Schemes:
The Verses:
The Formula: [1]
The results:
a) Estimate of pi: 3.141554509. . . x 100000000000000000, which underestimates pi (3.141592654 . . .) by only 1 part in 82,000, if the zeros are discounted.
b) Estimate of e: 2.718312812 x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000, which overestimates e (2.718281804 . . .) by only 1 part in 88,000, if the zeros are discounted.
So the same calculation gives the first few digits of pi and e with an error in both cases of about 1 part in 85,000. For pi, this is a far more accurate estimate than had been achieved when Genesis was written (about 500-450BC). Moreover, the number we call e was completely unknown until the 17th Century!
Since one value is an overestimate and the other an underestimate, we can sum the two numbers (without the zeros) to arrive at a value for pi + e, or pie if you like!
Pi (G1.1) + e (J1.1) = 5.859867321 . . ., which underestimates the true value of pi+e, (5.859874482 . . ., .) by only 1 part in 820,000!
The encoding of pi and e in the first verses of Genesis and John are beacons, signalling the profound combined import of these seminal verses. The light they shed invites further exploration of each verse, alone and in tandem.
John 1.1 has a numerical value of 3627, as shown below.
3627 units do not make a triangle, but they do make a trapezium or plinth, upon which only one triangle is a perfect fit: the Creation triangle! This sits atop John’s plinth to make an impressive triangle of 6328 units. [2]
This is the 112th member of the triangle sequence and it is further proof, if proof still be required, that the Bible was not solely the work of man, but really was divinely inspired. The Hebrew words below are transliterated as YHVH Elohim, which means The LORD God.
I showed in an earlier post that the values of the final and central words of G1.1, subtracted from the first word, give the number of counters forming the outline triangle. If we perform the same calculation in reverse on the 17 words of John 1.1 we again have the number of counters forming the outline figure. [3]
Triangle 6328 has been named the Greater Creation Triangle. So now we have three such figures.
Greater Creation Triangle (triangle 6238) - Genesis 1.1 + John 1.1.
Creation Triangle (triangle 2701) - Genesis 1.1
Lesser Creation Triangle (triangle 703) - Genesis 1.1, words 6&7, “and the earth”.
In the next image we see all three triangles together, showing God’s creation, the heavens and the earth, upheld by the Logos, the Word of God.
The Greater Creation Triangle can be divided another way to display the reality of the Christian Trinity, and one that is double-witnessed in Hebrew and Greek! [5]
Each member of the Trinity is represented twice here. [6]
Father: in Hebrew, YHVH Elohim (112); in Greek, Ho Theos Israel (703).
Son: in Hebrew, Yehoshua HaMashiach (754); in Greek, Kurios Ihsous Christos (3168).
Holy Spirit: in Hebrew, Ruach HaKadosh (623); in Greek, To Hagion Pneuma (1080)
Several hundred years and two languages separate Genesis 1.1 and John 1.1, yet they manage to take part in this miraculous, astounding double encoding!! The Greater Creation Triangle here resembles a mountain, with the bands like rock strata - a suitable image of permanence for the Eternal Triune God.
Bill Downie 8/5/23
This was the discovery of Vernon Jenkins and Craig Paardecooper, with an improvement suggested by Peter Bluer.
The Word become flesh was of course Jesus Christ. In Greek the name is transliterated as Ihsous Christos, and it has a value of of 2368, which is an anagram of 6328, the Greater Creation Triangle.
Since Hebrew is read right to left and Greek left to right, like English, the numbers are found in the same locations (rightmost, central, leftmost).
All three triangles were found by the late Vernon Jenkins, who also named them.
The internal triangles are indexed down the right-hand side of the main triangle.
This Greek title O Theos Israel is found in the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, made for Greek-speaking Jews in the 2nd or 3rd Century BC.